> Interview with A Senshi > > By > Nicholas Leifker > And > Andrew Norris > > Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, and all characters are owned by Naoko > Takeuchi. No infringement is intended. > This story may be distributed freely, as long as no profit is made, and > the whole body remains intact. > > > ****** > Prologue > > Live to Tell. > ****** > > > Usagi stopped. > > She looked back at the path she'd taken, hot, blissful air overfilling > her lungs. She could taste the stench of the city around her, and feel > the pulse and noise of industry that surrounded her. Letting fatigue > take over, she sat on the ledge, trying to get what energy she could > back. She didn't notice the grime that smeared her skirt, or the black > smudges from the ledge she'd grabbed. > > Thoughts came back to her in that moment, words she tried to escape > from. Michiru had no right to say what she had. She'd been through the > same thing Usagi had been through, lived through the same battles, and > worn the same scars. > > Why, then, did Michiru say she needed a vent? > > Usagi took her mask off, and let out a long sigh. Unfortunately, > Michiru was right - and Michiru did have a vent of her own. The Senshi > of Neptune had the Senshi of Uranus to comfort her; together, they could > survive what two people separately could not. They even had a child to > take care of, an instant family that almost made her weep with envy. > > Slowly, her body protesting every move, Usagi rose from her seat. She > couldn't take much more, she knew; like an aged prizefighter, she'd been > banged up too much too soon, and the fights were taking their toll. > She'd fought with broken bones, hid the bags under her eyes with makeup > in school, occasionally caught the occasional snooze there, and put the > mask on to hide everything at night. > > Tonight had been the final straw. She'd nearly plunged to her death off > a maison; her body had made a protest at the wrong time, and she'd > missed a jump as a result. Worse, as she fought to crawl her way up, a > voice inside of her spoke: Would it be so bad to fall? In the end, > something would have to give; letting go of her pain was the only sane > option left. > > But to who? > > ******************************** > > Hikaru was bored. > > The apartment was all his, for once; his parents had left for Nagasaki > that morning. All of his friends had found something else to do that > evening; not even the prospect of a home without parents could drag them > over. He'd already beaten the video game he'd bought last week; all of > his studies had been completed an hour ago. > > Something needed to come into his life. Something did. > > A knock came from his window; he shuddered in surprise. It was... her. > In a flash, he opened the window, letting her inside. > > "May I come in?" The voice didn't sound proud or warlike; if anything, > it sounded tired. > > "Sure," he replied, his eyes wide. When seifuku-clad superheroes show > up at your window, it's best not to refuse. > > She looked around, an act which caused him no small amount of > embarrassment at first. She looked over his unmade bed, to the > collection of papers by his desk, to the posters covering his walls... > Only when she looked under the bed, at the pile of unwashed clothes > beneath, did he realize: she was wary not of messes, but of monsters. > > She wrinkled her nose at the stench, then stared up at him. "Hikaru, do > you remember when you found out about me? The promise you made?" > > Hikaru nodded carefully. He hadn't told anyone; she had to know that. > > She sighed, and sat down on his bed. "Hikaru... now I need to trust you > with a lot more." > > Hikaru let out a held breath. "What?" > > She took off her mask; he swallowed at how... ragged she looked. Eyes > sagged with nights without sleep; a mouth that would look so much better > smiling simply didn't have the energy. Smears of grime crossed her > body, soiling a once pure-white outfit. > > The hero wasn't here; this was a warrior, pure and simple. She let out > a long sigh. "I need to tell my story... while I still can." > > His eyes widened. "What's wrong?" > > Her mouth moved up and down, as though trying to find words. "I... I'm > so tired. I've fought for too long. I... I need to vent to someone, > before I blow up or break down." She met him with her perfect blue eyes > - the only pure part of her left. > > In an instant, he nodded. "Okay. I'll listen, and never tell." > > She smiled weakly. "Good." She looked around. "Do you have anything > to drink? I have a feeling this is going to be a long night." > > He mentally berated himself; he never was much of a host. "Sure. Just > a sec." He ran into the kitchen and prepared coffee as though life > depended on his speed. He never thought brewing could take so long... > each drop seemed to torment him. > > "Take it easy. It'll wait." > > The voice startled him. She stood a few feet behind, watching him > curiously. "Huh?" > > She smiled, as though she knew a riddle he didn't. "Never be in a rush > if you don't have to. The more you rush... the more you burn." > > Hikaru blinked. It really was a riddle she knew but he didn't. He > waited for the coffee to finish, then poured two cups for them. > > He stared at the black liquid in his mug. "So. What did you want to > tell me?" > > She sat still for a moment; he could hear the cogs working inside her > head. Finally, as though making some grand decision, she nodded to > herself, and smiled. > > "Everything." > > He blinked. "Everything?" > > Her smile widened; the mirth in her eyes was returning. "Everything." > > > ******* > Author's Notes: > Andrew's > The original idea for this came to me after reading Nick's Thin White > Line, so I suggested we do it. And we are. > > This is only the opening to the tale. > > The first two parts will cover R, and S in the Interview With A Vampire > (Movie) format. > Stars will be covered in the Third part, and a fourth will cover the > aftermath of the Choices Usagi made. > > > We hope that you enjoy this story. > > "Beware of fighting Monsters, lest ye become one." > > Interview with A Senshi, Prologue, Authors: > Andrew Norris > Nicholas Leifker > 2/20/00