Eilsa put aside her book and returned her attention to her student. Watching the child balance on a single finger and lift a dozen holobooks into an orbit around her head was an extreme test of her agility and ability to multitask. "Very good Ranma. Now, if you don't mind, float them here, and get right side up. We're about to exit from hyperspace to Coruscant." Eilsa was rewarded with the books zipping to her table and landing with a thump. With a slight push and flip, Ranma landed right side up. "Man, you'd think those books would weigh more, with as boring as they are!" Eilsa withheld her grin at those words, and stood. "Some have agreed with you. But, knowledge is knowledge." Eilsa lead the way to her ship's cockpit, and sat down in the pilot's chair, and Ranma plopped into the chair next to hers. "Remember. Don't touch the controls." Ranma just returned a long suffering look at her teacher. With a pulling of a lever, the ship dropped out of hyperspace, bursting into a busy hive of traffic. She didn't spare a glance for Ranma's expression until she was sure they were in a safe traffic pattern, and she risked a glance at her student. The Master couldn't resist a grin as she eyed the gob smacked look. "Scroll Finder, Scroll Finder. This is Coruscant Control. Please Identify!" A voice rang out over the overhead speakers, and Eilsa slipped on a headset. "Scroll Finder here, Coruscant Control. Code 311-214-192-JC, requesting direct path to Temple port." Eilsa spoke into the boom mike at her mouth. "Scroll Finder, Cleared, and welcome back, Jedi." The voice clicked off and she grinned, and began the process of navigating the orbits to approach the Temple. As the ship sliced though the thickening air she decided she had the time to talk. "Interesting, isn't Coruscant?" She wanted her Padawan's thoughts. "... This is a city? The whole _planet_?" Ranma was clearly surprised and it showed. "Yes. Coruscant has been a planetary city for over twenty five thousand years." She watched as Ranma just blinked for a while. "How do they _all_ eat? No farmland, right?" Ranma asked. Eilsa nodded. Perfect. "Imports. And it's why Math's important. You have to know how much you need to buy from other planets, how much to load onto each ship, how often... Even if you don't think you'll do it, never know. Jedi often have to arrange for relief for planets that are having economic problems or famine." She was rewarded with a nod from Ranma. "Then how do you train? Cities aren't that good for some forms of training, especially survival." Ranma's voice was honestly puzzled. "Well, some of it's done on other planets, indeed. Where the cities haven't taken over the surface completely. To be honest, only physical and survival training is better off Coruscant, or some specialized knowledge quests." Eilsa paused, remembering a good time or two. "But, for basic education, basic force usage, even most of the advanced forms of training you'll learn... All of it can be done at the Temple." Eilsa grinned suddenly. "However, don't be surprised if we don't' spend that much time at the Temple. I'm not that fond of the situation there. Hold on, I'm coming into Temple's control." Eilsa watched as Ranma nodded, still stunned by the amount of urbanization present though the cockpit. "Temple Control, this is Jardon, returning home. Temple Control, this is Jardon aboard the Scroll Finder, returning home." Eilsa's statement was rewarded with an instant response. "Welcome home, Master Jardon. Bay 219 is ready for you. Follow standard procedures and course." Eilsa's response was as fast. "Thank you Temple Control, will do." As the ship settled in, Eilsa began the shutdown procedures, and then she stopped. She clicked on the comm, and spoke quickly. "Temple Control, please contact Master Windu or Master Yaddie." "Reason?" The voice replied curious. "Personal, Temple control." Eilsa's response was flat. "Understood, contacting now." The line remained quiet for a moment, and then a different voice came on, one that radiated self confidence and authority in a soft silky baritone. "Windu here." "Jardon here. I have a favor to ask of you... Can you make sure there are no Cathar between the main port and the Council chamber? I've run across a Force Sensitive with a phobia of felines and if it's triggered, it could prove quite... dangerous to the Temple." She finished the last in a slightly sheepish tone. "... Oh, this is going to be interesting, I see. I do hope you have a good expiation for this one." The male voice responded with resignation in the tone. "Will do; give me about 20 minutes, Master Jardon." "Understood." With that, Eilsa cut the connection and finished the shut down procedures. Luckily for her, Ranma had already made for the ramp to get out. She walked though the ship, noting where her equipment was for later pickup, and waited at the ramp. "Why are we waiting, Eilsa?" Ranma was bouncing on her toes in her eagerness to get out. "Because they are clearing a path for us to the Council's chamber." Eilsa shrugged. "Several of our fellows are of feline type, and might trigger your Neko-ken." She had the satisfaction of watching Ranma stop for a moment, and shudder slightly. "Oh." The child finally responded. Eilsa nodded. "It will only be a bit more. I'm as eager as you to get out of here. A month is a bit much." Eilsa gave a wry smile. "All the holodramas make space travel to be glamorous or exciting. I've always found it boring." Eilsa shrugged. She knew where an air car was, it'd be easy to keep Ranma occupied for the time. "Come on, Ranma. I'll show you a bit of the surrounding area." She hit the controls and the ramp lowered. Ranma dashed out, only stopping at the sights around her. "Wow..." Ranma breathed. Eilsa hid a smile as she walked over to where an aircar was stored. As she set it up to travel, she called to Ranma. "Ranma? Let me show you a bit of Coruscant on a more... local level." Ranma bounded over to Eilsa, and looked at the car. "Where are the wheels?" Eilsa shook her head. "No wheels, this car flies." She was rewarded by a stare from Ranma. "Oh..." Ranma hopped in, and the Jedi backed the air car out of its slot, and into the traffic of the Capital of the Republic. ------ Balance of Force Chapter 2 The Temple By Nicholas 'NightElf' Leifker and Andrew 'MageOhki' Norris ------ Eilsa walked though the hallways, noting that Master Windu had actually taken the precaution of clearing the main hallways completely. She eyed Ranma as she looked around wide-eyed. "Here is the turbolift to the High Council chamber." Ranma nodded in response. Both females stepped in. A blonde headed child eyed the two as the door closed, and before the doors shut, he met the redheaded girl's eyes. Both pairs widened in shock and recognition. Ranma blinked after the doors closed. She shook off the recognition of power that the boy had evoked. She turned to her master, feeling a bit of anxiety coming from Eilsa. "What's up? It's just another group of masters, right? No big." Eilsa blinked at her padawan. Putting aside the fact she thought she had shielded her emotions, she responded. "While, yes, you're right, they are still the leaders of the order. And I'm presenting you as my student. They... might not be as happy with the arrangement as I am." Ranma snorted. "According to that book you made me read, Masters have final say in who their padawans are. The council only has a say when a padawan's ready for testing, right?" Eilsa winced. "Pretty much, yes..." "Then why worry. It's just a bunch of old masters. No big." Ranma went back to wondering why the boy evoked recognition in her. Before Eilsa could inform her padawan to take the council seriously, the lift stopped and the doors opened. Down the hall way awaited the council. "Let's do this." Eilsa squared her shoulders and escorted Ranma to the center of the speaking circle. "Masters, I present Saotome Ranma, my new Padawan." She waited for the response. Not surprising her, Yoda was the first to regain his balance. "Surprise, this not should be." Yoda's sigh was shared by several others. "Trouble, find you, too easily!" The short green skinned master waved his hand to his fellow masters who had various reactions to this. "Know you, do we!" "Indeed. I assume she's the one with the Feline phobia?" the Human black skinned male named Mace Windu had a disapproving tone in his voice. Eilsa narrowed her eyes, and responded. "Yes, she is, but she represents a vergence in the Force." She blinked at the masters who eyed each other, instead of being surprised. It was as if she was hearing on the winds; another one? "She has the highest Force rating I have ever heard about, greater than even Exar Kun, Revan or even you, Master Yoda. Over 20 on the Junahi Scale." She was rewarded by blinks and a stronger sense of 'Oh, lords, again?' "Too young, she is to be a padawan, and too old to be a youngling." Yoda strived to sidestep the issue. Eilsa scratched her head... and sighed. "Masters. She is not... quite as she seems. Her real age is sixteen, and her gender male." Yaddie rose slightly from her chair. "Impossible! Human she is, female she is, and if her body is seven, I am no master!" The master that spoke was a younger female of Yoda's race. "Look deeper, Master Yaddie, read her language, not her body." Eilsa settled on her feet. Several of the Jedi blinked, and finally Windu was the one to break the silence. "I ... see, Master Jardon. Care to explain this? The way the child holds himself is more of a male of 12 to 24, of human, than a girl of 5 or 6." "Jusenkyou, Masters. Where Revan, the Exile and their followers followed and destroyed the Sith that they were battling. The titanic battle they waged warped the very earth they fought on. This resulted in various pools as I understand that change the very DNA of the recipient. Ranma fell into Spring of Drowned Young Girl. This results in the person becoming a girl, as if the person was born one." Mace just blinked at the revelations. Yaddie interrupted. "Unheard of this is, but possible. And explain it would gender. Age it does not!" "Known, Revan's Fate?" Yoda asked gently. Eilsa nodded. "If I'm not mistaken, this is his last descendant." "Putting that aside for now, Master Jardon, we will return to it. Justify the child's apparent age with your statements." Ki-Adi-Mundi, A Cerean Jedi spoke. "We're quite used to your sense of humor." Eilsa simply looked at the Master. "On her planet is a form of fungus that returns the consumer to an age based on its size, both forward in physical time, and backwards. Ranma ate one returning her to this age, and while they found more, all were destroyed before she could restore her proper age. All her brain and physical signs indicate she's a human of 6 years of age." She eyed the council. "She has a ego to go with her skill, is one of the best combatants of any age I have ever heard of, is clearly the most skilled unarmed combatant I have EVER seen, in the archives or not, and is already using the Force to greater or lesser degree, even before I started training her." She sighed. "She is insecure, was tortured at a similar physical age by felines to the point where if she remains in sustained contact with them, she will become one in mind, and feels that book learning is a waste of time. Not to mention that her male side is barely 8 on the scale in the Force." "Then why train her?" Mace's voice was intrigued. "Surely there must be positives to balance these massive negatives?" "Indeed Master Windu. She is kind. Has no ability to hold a grudge, and forgives any harm and slight to her. Has forgiven and aided enemies who have sworn to kill her, and has NEVER in her life seriously considered using lethal force, which she is quite capable of. She possesses a brilliant mind, absorbing lessons that took me more than a year to do in a month, is possessed of a combat skill that defies belief and as noted, her female side has a force signature of over 20 on the scale. Many problems, but many strengths. Not to mention a lack of fear or anger." She winced as Ranma both blushed and hung her head at Eilsa's comments. "Umm... ah..." Ranma stammered slightly. Yoda waved Ranma's comments away before they could be said. "Flustered the child is. Test will we, before decision reached. Five minutes, before we will." Yoda clearly gestured for a brief dismissal. After the brief delay to acquire materials, the assembled council members put Ranma though a battery of tests and drew a bit of blood. As the last standard test completed, and Ranma flipped to her feet, after fingerstanding, for the challenge she said, the council waved the equipment to one side. "Ranma, how do you change back to Male?" Mace said as softly and calmly as possible. "With hot water." Ranma's expression was a bit sour. All the images they wanted her to identify she saw, but couldn't name. However the Jedi were happy at the fact she could see them at all, never mind name them. Mace looked at his former padawan "Deepa, would you please get some?" She nodded and left. She returned shortly, and in a soft cultured voice, the human female handed the water over with a smile. "Don't worry, we only have a few more tests." Ranma returned the smile with a wry twist of her own lips. "Good, getting hungry!" Ranma dumped the water over her head, and just sighed as the water failed to trigger the curse. "Now how in hell did it get locked?!" A note of panic had begun to enter her voice. Deepa narrowed her eyes. "I felt something when you did that... was it possible the water wasn't hot enough? It felt... like it wasn't enough" Ranma blinked... "Should have been... but I haven't switched to save water for a month..." She trailed off clearly thinking hard. Deepa nodded, and with a slight wave of her hand collected the water that fell on the floor back to the glass, and handed it to a strange looking master with a mask over his face. "Master Koon, could you please?" She was rewarded with a nod, and shortly the water was steaming, and she nodded. "This is hotter than I would suggest, but we can quickly heal the burns." She was a bit nervous, but was rewarded with a pixie grin. "Nah, don't worry, I don't burn easy, would have to be boiling to be a problem!" She snatched the glass, and poured it over her head, wincing slightly. All the masters felt a slight shift in the force, and dripping and steaming black hair appeared, as if the water was washing out the red. Yaddie drew more blood from Ranma. The test run on it, confirmed Eilsa's statement about the lower force rating. Yoda nodded at the datapad, and set it aside. "Approval you want, Master Jardon, though even needed, is not." He sighed. Mace took over. "Arrogant. Insecure. Wanted by a Sith lord for an Apprentice. Trained in a technique that still horrifies us all." Deepa picked up the thread. "Ill mannered, lazy, and unaware that words cause pain, and thinks book learning is useless..." She shook her head... "Yet..." Gallida nodded, adding her own words. "Innocent, irritated at our words, but not angry, Skilled in the art of war, yet distasteful of inflicting physical pain." Yoda spoke again. "Approve of this... I must. Want not, must" He sighed. "Key to each Jedi is balance... whole Jedi need balance also." He nodded sharply. "Obi-wan... with young Skywalker, upset the balance he has. Young Skywalker balanced is by young Saotome. Scars, posses she does; willful she is; fear and anger she has not. Balance achieved perhaps." Mace took over. "Approved, with... reluctance your padawan is by a 8 to 4 vote, Master Jardon." Yaddie picked up the thread. "Troubled, we are by Nekoken" The diminutive Jedi stumbled slightly over the last word, but gamely continued on. "Healers, suggestion we will await. Padawan to them now, take you will." "While his current clothing and form is quite cute, I suggest that Ranma remain female at most times, unless we wish to raise ... questions, until we have fully analyzed your report, Master Jardon." Mace stopped, and smiled. "Into the proper clothing she should be, along with the braid." Eilsa nodded. "Of course, was just waiting until this was over. Oh, I need a few parts for a lightsaber." Both Mace and Yoda's expressions were studies. Mace broke the silence. "Given your natural inclinations, Jardon, a second lightsaber strikes me as odd... and while it's not a bad idea for your padawan, a training saber works as well." Eilsa smiled. "Oh, it's to repair the lightsaber her family kept from Revan, if I don't miss my guess." Master Koon responded for the others... "Have Master Qintx check the lightsaber out, but... I see no reason Revan's blade if it is his, should not be returned to full status. And it is true, waste not, want not." Eilsa nodded, and bowed. "With your permissions, masters?" "Given, permission is. May the Force be with you, Master Jardon." Yoda spoke for the council in this. ------ Eilsa walked into the council chamber, where the masters were gathered again, and watched as they returned from looking out over the Coruscant night skyline. "Master Jardon, healers have suggested a course of action in regards to your padawan." Deepa stated. "They wish to have her confront herself in the Test of Self. Now." Eilsa blinked. "Excuse me, did you say they wanted her to take the Test of Self? The most critical test for Knighthood?" Yoda nodded. "Confrontation, solution is." Eilsa just stared at the masters. "Are you all crazy?" Mace winced. "It's what the healers believe is the solution, Master Jardon. They believe the Neko ken was an attempt to graft part of the feline's spirit onto the child. It's there, to greater or lesser degree, but Padawan Ranma has to accept it." Eilsa attempted another tact. "No preparation? Straight into the Test?" Deepa nodded. "That's what the mental experts suggest. Ranma has successfully withstood one or two cats before, as long as she wasn't forced to engage them." "This is insane. You haven't seen the Neko-ken in action!" Eilsa shook her head. "Remember, also, Master Jardon, that Ranma is not a child, despite her body's physical age. Unlike a typical child her psyche has been formed, even thought her return to a child's age has given the psyche a chance to change, her personality is of sufficient maturity to undergo the Test." Mace looked at Eilsa. "And the healers DO understand the risk, that's why they want to do it, as long as there can be a link, even though she has to take the test on her own. Advice we can give her, but it has to be her battle." Mace sighed. "It's the only way they can all agree on, Master Jardon." "I... see. I hope the room that it's done is seriously reinforced in. I assume it is to be done immediately?" Eilsa asked quietly. "Yes, as soon as she awakens." Eilsa nodded to Deepa's response. "Then with your permission, I will leave and prepare." Mace nodded, and Eilsa departed. ------ Eilsa watched her padawan's expression after she was informed of the healer's decision. "Okay. Sounds good. Take it head on and fix it. I get to choose two to help?" Ranma snorted. "You and that Windu. And let's do it." Ranma's breezy smile didn't hide her fear at facing the cat. "Are you sure?" Eilsa kneeled in front of Ranma. "This is a test that taxes people older and far better trained than you! We can find a different way." Ranma shrugged. "If they think it'd work, better do what the docs say." Eilsa sighed, and nodded. She nodded at Master Windu, and he gestured at the door leading downward... to the cave that the Jedi kept here for this purpose. A knot of the darkside, kept to bring it out in padawans testing for their knighthoods. Finally, perhaps to heal. Yoda sighed as he watched all three go in. "Easy, it is not, Hide fear, she shouldn't. Matter not, find her fear will." ----- Ranma sat cross-legged in the healer's room, examining her mind as though it was something new. It wasn't something she could explain, every part of her that had been there was still there, but finally at peace. Part of her purred, part of her giggled, and it was good. She finally had forgiven herself. Everything was a source of weakness, according to her father, to both of her parents every bit of weakness was an unforgiveable crime. She wasn't strong enough to get though the Nekoken unscathed. Every injury further proof of her weakness; she would hide tears and bite screams, all to hide her sins. Jusenkyou was simply another mortal sin; becoming a girl was the ultimate sign of weakness and indication she had been dammed. Looking at it now... a six year old wasn't strong enough to handle inhuman torture; she could feel the claws rake over her skin and look at it as the tragedy it was, both for her and the cats starved for food, rather than focusing on the pain. She had survived it. Thrived even, and that was what mattered. Not the fact she hadn't mastered a technique not to be taught. Her gender had been skewed and skewered long before she'd been taken to Jusenkyou - and no one could have foreseen what had happened there. She was Ranma. She was a cat even now, wanting to play more with Master Windu, or maybe find a nice perch with a sunbeam to snooze in. She was a girl; she'd seen the uniforms that the students wore, and found them plain. She was a boy; the strength and honor she lived by was very much a product of her male life, and what attraction present was for girls, not boys. If that changed, oh well. She was a boy, she was a girl, she was a cat... and yet, she was more than just one. The Test of Self had been threefold. The cat was part of her and after a great deal of trauma, and acceptance that she could be the cat and control herself as the cat, she had learned to hug her inner kitten. It amazed her honestly, just how sophisticated the feline within was; the instincts and analysis of sensory input within the cat stunned her, as she smelled the relief and concern washing from the medical staff. The experience hurt, hurt almost as much as the original experience; only difference was phantom claws didn't leave marks. She had taken the blows, and in the end, had to agree the experience was well worth it. The last two tests had come together, in part because they represented two roads to take. Both tempted her, both showed parts of herself that were undeniably part of herself, and whispered that only with their help could she know happiness. One was a beautiful woman, wearing a golden kimono that flowed around her in a wind; she wore makeup and had her scarlet hair in a flattering style, and showed her pride in her appearance and secret desires that never saw the light of day or the sound of voice. The other was taller than her male form, stronger as well, and radiated confidence and power; he wore a karate gi that fit well around his muscular frame, spoke of honor, of duty and what a man needed to do with his life. The woman's hair was a fiery red while the man's was black. Both held crystalline blue eyes with a hint of power, mystery and pride. Both tempted her, both scared her. She had never voiced it, but there was a part of her that wanted to be kind, nurture and to take care of others. That side also spoke of looking good, being attractive to others. Without her she would never know love, never know friendship, always being alone, left to be barren and incomplete. The man, by comparison chose blackmail as his weapon to attack with. He spoke of the codes that were part of her very soul. Strength so others would not have to suffer like he did, protection instead of being protected. An added comment whispered was to be a woman meant being a man's companion - something that disgusted Ranma. In the end, the training she received on the trip to Coruscant showed her the truth in the sayings she half remembered. "A Jedi does not think in absolutes; they always work in the great, the righteous white and the sinister black do not allow for growth and wisdom, both blinding." Both his male self and female self's were traits taken to the extremes, and made absolute - completely feminine path, one formed of every joy, every hope, and every fear experienced while female, promising people that would worship her. The masculine path, one formed of every source of pride and honor she had, as well as what disgusted him while being a man, from Genma and others; promised power to use as she willed, to never be weak again. She stepped back, both options had... problems with them. She had used her female form to overcome weakness inflicted on her as a man on several occasions. She had used her masculine side to attract people to her. She knew she could not reject the strength and honor that came with her upbringing as a male, as warped as it was; at the same time, a part of her needed to be nurturing and care for others, not to mention look his or her best when she could or the situation demanded it. In the end, she followed the truth of the Middle Path. Holding out a hand to each of them, she told them both. "You know me. You know my stand. You both hold a truth, but only half of my truth. I can't be without either part of my soul. You are me, reflected in this mirror." She nodded, acting on a feeling "It is time for me to heal, and I can only do that with your help in coming together, without the lies that everyone told me in my life. That's why we are here." Both sides looked at the outstretched hands offered; they each muttered some half-hearted words about Ranma's mistake in not choosing one over the other, but both took the hand presented to them. And in that moment, as she felt the manicured nails of the woman, and the calloused and hardened palm of the male, she knew she made the right choice for herself. She was whole, in balance, both yin and yang. It wasn't a sin or a disgrace, but the truth of life. The only disgrace was denial of part of herself. And she had the rest of her life, and a second chance even, to discover who Ranma Saotome was. A second later, her eyes flew open and she was bathed in soft white light. She saw the damage she had done during the acceptance of the Neko, and felt kinda sorry that she had clawed Master Windu. She giggled, knowing that she'd get more chances to show him how kittens played. However, she felt whole. A weight was gone from her shoulders, and she could fly free for the first time in her life. She knew the path she would have to take, and why she would walk it. And boy, did it feel good. "Healed, you are. Passed, you have. Truth, you know." Yoda's gravely voice interrupted her study of the surrounding area. Before she could speak, he continued. "Lightside, chosen you have. Wisdom, you gain can now. Padawan, remain, for now." Yoda eyed her and as he turned to leave. "Knight, soon enough, you will be." ------ Eilsa obeyed the summons to the Council chambers. As she walked in, she restrained a grin at the healing scratches on Master Windu. "Masters, you requested my presence?" "Requested, we did." Yoda grumped. "Padawan, unusual is." "What Master Yoda is concerned about, is the fact that Ranma's training will have to be different than the other padawans, because while we don't doubt your basic instruction of Ranma, we do wish she will have a basic grounding in the Living force." Deepa eyed Windu. "Her force claws were... quite interesting." Mace couldn't help wincing as Deepa and several others shared soft laughter. "Yes, find it amusing. However, she's been trained in techniques we don't know about, and don't understand. Yoda is the best possible trainer for the basics, and to compare them to what we know about it. You, of course will handle basic lightsaber training, and all other aspects of training." Windu eyed several others. "We won't put Terra's location into the archives, mostly because we feel that the Terrans don't need the Republic attempting to rip apart their lives to find out why humans are so far away from the Republic. She'll be listed as an unknown birth world, found on Bespin." Eilsa nodded at their logic. "Master Windu... I have a request of you, regarding Ranma's lightsaber training." His raised eyebrow invited her to continue. "I request that you handle it. My observations of Ranma is that she's already beyond me or will be shortly in combat, and even in lightsaber combat." "Wisdom, show you. Windu, training handle." Yoda's wave of the hand was met with Master Windu's nod. "Now that's been dealt with. We've read your report on the encounter with the Sith." Mace's hands steeped. "As you know, and hopefully spent a few moments mediating over, Master Jinn and Knight Kenobi fought a Sith, in which Master Jinn lost his life." Mace let a moment of silence gather in the room, as Eilsa's closed eyes indicated she needed a moment to recover the serenity a Master was to have. "I know that he was your Master, Eilsa, but he died well, and is one with the Force now." Mace's voice was softer. Eilsa closed her eyes, and knew she would spend tomorrow morning mediating on Qui-Gon. However, tomorrow could take care of tomorrow. "I have nothing to add in my report on the Sith incident, or anything dealing with Revan and the Exile, Masters. I even put down my half thought out speculations about both into my report." Yaddie nodded. "Complete, you were. Fact, lacking was. You, we blame not." "Giving your secure holonet transceiver to them, while costly to the Order, actually will pay for itself because we can contact them and gain more information from this Cologne." Mace sighed. "We will of course, keep her out of it." Eilsa nodded in response, and Master Gallia picked up the thread. "We won't keep you up, running herd on your new padawan will tax you enough, but we must know. Do you think she's the chosen one of the prophecy? Qui Gon believed that about Anakin Skywalker." Eilsa blinked, and thought about it. "She... might be. But, I won't tell her, and I don't want the rest of you telling her some prophecy and she might fill it to her. I rather just have her be a normal padawan." Mace smiled, joined by snickers from several other Masters. "Normal. Ah... well, as normal as she can be, I suspect you meant. It is late, and we should all seek our beds, for tomorrow comes, and there are things to take care of tomorrow." Eilsa nodded, bowed, and departed, seeking her suite with her padawan hopefully sleeping in it. Tomorrow, would be a long enough day as it is. ------ Chancellor Palpatine stared at the screen, his brow furrowed in thought. Due to his second job, he had an intimate understanding of the capabilities of the Jedi. Yoda's 18 rating was the highest in several millennia; most of the Masters had ratings of at least 12. But 20... was considered impossibility. And, yet, in the span of less than two months, two children show up from parts unknown with 20 ratings. He wasn't a true seer; indeed a true, infallible seer could not exist. But the Trade federation gambit had given him a good feeling, and so he'd gone for it. When he found out about Anakin, he had a suspicion as to why. The boy had weaknesses, passions he could learn to exploit, indeed with a bit of prodding, Anakin Skywalker could grow up to be one of the finest Sith in history. This girl, on the other hand... this "Ranma"... had literally come out from nowhere - and her existence gave him an uneasy feeling. It wasn't a bad one per se; sometimes it was good, sometimes bad, but it fluctuated in ways he couldn't even begin to understand. To make matters worse, unlike with Skywalker, Saotome's file showed no flaws - or rather her flaws had been faced and overcome. He could read between the lines; though the file didn't mention it specifically, she had clearly taken the Test of Self - at the age of SIX - and had passed with flying colors. He would have thought the file a joke, if it was not for confirmation from multiple sources. This Ranma was for real - right down to the scars left on Windu's arm - and even more scary than her file suggested. He could also see other signs that not everything was correct. What sort of Jedi appears out of nowhere on some backwater gas mine more famous for its tourist industry, than anything else? They were covering something about her up. Likely she was the result of some Jedi breeding experiment; he wished he could find some other explanation, but there was none. She was impossibility out of nowhere, she had to have been made, either like Skywalker or some other process, but couldn't have been born. No doubt, he would need to send another mission to Kamino - perhaps even a personal mission, if he suspected treachery. He could not afford to go up against a army of super-Jedi; enough of them and his plans would go up in smoke. Even with one there, he could feel his plans for Anakin threatened. This had to be nipped in the bud, wherever this mystery girl came from, before the situation became untenable. In the meantime, some more immediate espionage was called for. With Anakin, it was easy to find an excuse to visit him and discover this hidden gem; he'd rubbed elbows with the Nabooan queen before he had become known to the Jedi, and the funeral of a Master was sufficient tragedy to get close to the child. Ranma, however was a far different story. Her origins were humble, along with her friends listed; indeed every indication was that they would keep her in the Temple with her Master, or Master Windu, who had been listed as her weaponsmaster, a unusual arrangement. The Jedi were keeping this wildcard close to their chest; until he could find an excuse to visit, he would have to rely on secondary sources for his information - useful, usually, but never like the real thing. Sighing, Palpatine pushed himself away from his desk, and rubbed his eyes. A month ago, everything had seemed so clear; with one child, the Jedi had forced the future into the fog once more. He would need to be even more careful; one slight misstep, and everything he and his predecessors had worked for would be lost, along with the Sith. ------ Ranma wandered the halls. Eilsa told her where the mess hall was, and that she had to say goodbye to an old friend. Ranma understood that, and paused for a moment to remember the Neriman that had died, along with her father and Tendo. She looked around, and scratched the back of her neck. She now knew exactly what P-chan had to feel like. She brightened and went over to a older boy, who was looking at a holobook. Tugging on his sleeve, she asked. "Can you show me where the mess hall is?" The boy looked up from his book. "Why aren't you with your class?" He sounded irritated, and superior. "Go find them, and let Master Clieg lead you." "Not with a class." Ranma snorted. "And what's a class?" The boy blinked, and snorted. "Class of younglings, which you are. Group of children that are to learn things before going to be chosen as padawans, or sent to the corps." His tone made it quite clear he doubted she'd be a padawan. "Oh. I'm a padawan. Not a youngling." Ranma shrugged. "Got here two days ago. So, where's the mess hall?" The boy just _looked_ at her. "If you're a recent acceptance to the Order, you have to learn not to lie, you're a youngling! There's no padawan at your age! Now go and find your class that you were assigned to before I report you for lying." Ranma's eyes narrowed. "I'm not lying. I'm Master Jardon's padawan!" "Um... Sangros?" A voice came from behind the boy; Ranma blinked in remembrance. It was the same person she'd seen when she'd first arrived - an older boy with tousled blond hair, one whose body practically sang with the Force. "I wouldn't be so hasty to judge. I could be wrong... but I think she's telling the truth." The first boy almost growled as he turned around. "What would you know about it, Skywalker? You're barely a padawan yourself!" Ranma knew this Skywalker kid was the real deal from the moment he smiled. She knew a smile like that, it was the sort of grin that said that this kid didn't lose - ever. "Remember your lessons on how your senses can deceive you? Close your eyes, Sangros - and tell me what you feel from her." Sangros let out an exasperated sigh, but he did as Skywalker asked, and closed his eyes. Seconds later, they popped back open again in surprise. "How... who... this is impossible. I don't understand any of this - and I don't want to. You take her, Skywalker, if you know so much." Skywalker shrugged, and watched as the boy stalked off. "Pompous ass." The boy muttered quietly, and then in a more normal tone, "Anakin Skywalker. And you? Oh, this way to the mess hall." He lead off, and Ranma hurried to catch up. "Ranma Saotome." Anakin nodded. "Sorry about that, but Sangros got picked to be a padawan at 11, and feels that he's better than most, plus thinks that no one our age could be padawans." Anakin shrugged. "Why?" Ranma's puzzled tone made it clear she didn't understand. "Dunno. Though, I'll give him, until you showed up, I was the youngest padawan here." Anakin raised his hands to say 'what can you do?' "Are they all like that? Had enough of bakas at home." Ranma muttered. "Nah. Most of the kids your age are fine, and most of the older padawans are also fine. It's just the clutch of the recently chosen padawans that tend to look down on me." Anakin grumbled slightly. "I'd show them what's what, but Master Kenobi doesn't like that." Ranma snickered. "Oh, that won't be a problem for me." Anakin eyed her, and noted her prowling gait, almost feline in its sheer grace and deadliness. "Somehow, I think you could show them a few things." Ranma nodded, grinning. "I'm the best of my generation in martial arts!" Anakin's eyes rose slightly. "Really." No disbelief, just a sense of 'You're sure about that?' permeated his word. Ranma shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Eh, there MIGHT be someone better... but I'd just learn and beat him later." The sheer confidence in her tone told Anakin, this was a girl that knew how to take care of herself, and met troubles the way he did, head on. Anakin shook his head, as he led her into the mess hall. "Well, I need to eat too, since Master Kenobi is meeting with someone, I'll show you how to get the food." Ranma's expression brightened, and she followed him as he pointed everything out. Several things surprised him, like the amount of food she acquired, not to mention that her drink was hot tea. Other things didn't, such as she seemed to be remembering how to eat 'correctly' and not as a barbarian. One of the less kinder comments aimed his way when he arrived. Anakin watched the little girl devour enough food to feed two grown Jedi, and shook his head. Why did the feeling that chaos had come calling permeate his very bones? ------ Eilsa watched as her padawan put away the robes that the quartermaster had given the child. She was even more amused by the slightly unamused expression on the child's face. "What's wrong?" Ranma shrugged. "Robes are kinda plain, aren't they?" Eilsa shrugged. "You can always pick out later, and in theory, you're supposed to wear similar style and colors as I do. Harmony" Ranma blinked. "Huh?" "Harmony with each other." Eilsa grinned. "It's also a way of identifying a pair of Jedi together. Not always quite the way it goes, several padawans don't match their masters, but the tradition is you're supposed to match." Ranma shrugged. "Colors or style?" Eilsa shrugged. "Both in theory, though most masters only care about one or the other. After a while, we'll get you robes that fit your style and personality... and I think you'd look good in green, myself." "Why only three?" Ranma asked curious, mildly curious. "Jedi are not supposed to have material attachments." Eilsa shrugged. "Also, the order's cheap. We get funding from the Republic, but it's not a lot, and we have much else to spend the money on." "Oh. And it makes little sense to give many robes to a kid?" Eilsa nodded pleased that her padawan had made the leap. "And given that we're supposed to allow the Force to provide for our needs, this helps. Hades, I acquired my ship from a person I saved. I tried to turn it down, but the person insisted." She grinned. "Helped the Order a tad, really... I usually need a bigger ship than a fighter, so I can do long term explorations and excavations of areas. I like digging around and finding out history. I'm an archaeologist, remember?" Ranma nodded, and put away the last of the robes, and yawned. "Yeah." Eilsa shook her head. "Time to go to sleep." She shooed Ranma into bed, and waited til the child's breathing indicated she fell asleep.